Date * Name * Date of Birth * Home Phone Cell Phone * Address * City and Zip Code * State * ALAKARAZCACOCTDEFLGAHIIDILINIAKSKYLAMEMDMAMIMNMSMOMTNENVNHNJNMNYNCNDOHOKORPARISCSDTNTXUTVTVAWAWVWIWY Email * Are you volunteering for school community service hours? * Yes No If yes, how many hours? Are you volunteering for court appointed hours? * Yes No If yes, how many hours? Are you able to commit to volunteering few hours per month? * Yes No List any special skills, education or interests that will be helpful in placing you in our program * What type of volunteer jobs are you interested in? (please check) * Dog Care/ Walking/ Socializing Dog Bathing/ Grooming Cat Care/ Socializing Kennel Cleaning (Cats and or Dogs) Shelter Dog Training Adoption Days Clerical Grant Writing Marketing/ Fundraising Education (PetPals) Digital Photography Fun "Run Forrest Run" Are there specific days only that you are available for volunteering? * What pet(s) if any do you currently have or have had? * We require volunteers to stay up-to-date by reading emails or joining our private Facebook group. Which option works best for you? * Private Facebook group Email Updates Please give us one person who we can call for an emergency contact * Relation to emergency contact * Parent Spouse Sibling Roommate Friend Other Emergency phone number * Emergency email address * Any allergies, physical disabilities or other limitations which may restrict your abilities? * Volunteers must be 15 years of age to volunteer. Are you at least 15 years of age? * Yes No Where did you hear about our volunteer program? * Submit If you are human, leave this field blank. Home Volunteers Our Program Training Volunteer Policies Volunteer Application